
Inside Look: Being a BeMS Commissioning Engineer

In this interview, we talk with one of our apprentice-turned-engineers, Josh Clare, about what it's like to be a BeMS commissioning engineer for Cura Energy...

BeMS Commissioning and Engineering is a big part of what we do, and there is a lot to it, which is why we really value having super talented commissioning engineers like Josh on board to help us to maintain our quality service.

Below we catch-up with Josh, one of our BeMS Commissioning Engineers, and get some insight on his experience working with Cura Energy...

Josh, tell me a bit about yourself and your role at Cura.

My name is Josh Clare, I'm one of the BeMS Commissioning Engineers at Cura Energy.

My role covers a range of tasks associated with building management systems, and also involves me learning about new technology to enhance the services that we provide, which is something that I am really passionate about.

I am also married, and have two beautiful girls. I enjoy football and socialise with my friends and family at every opportunity!

How long have you been working for Cura Energy?

I have worked for Cura Energy for 8 years.

What is it about Cura that has made you so committed?

The way the Company operates and its core values. Cura have given me a platform to build a career, investing in my training and giving me the confidence to grow.

My work here also allows me to be involved in a wide variety of projects and in all aspects of BeMS, which has developed my skill set massively. I think having the responsibility to see jobs through from start to finish has assisted in accelerating my knowledge and growth.

How did you get into the industry?

I previously worked at a Company within IT, but I was looking to explore a different career path; a career path that was more engaging, and preferably where I could learn a trade.

I initially joined Cura to become a qualified electrician that would be installing energy monitoring solutions. For 6 months, that was great, and I was set to go to college to start my NVQ, but another option crossed my path which was too good to refuse. It was quickly identified by management that my skills were better suited to a role within BeMS.

After some consideration, I began my journey at Cura as a Trainee Commissioning Engineer. Since then, I have never looked back, starting off as an apprentice and only progressing from there!

What does a day at work look like for you?

My days are all completely different which I like. It keeps me engaged and on my toes! I work on various systems writing software, commissioning new panels, upgrading/modifying old panels, and carrying out surveys/PPM’s. These are just a few examples of my day-to-day tasks.

What’s your favourite part about your job?

The most rewarding part of my job is witnessing a panel/controller that I have written the software for and commissioned operating in the way that I intended. It gives me great satisfaction; not only for myself, but for Cura too. I love working with the team.

I also enjoy meeting new people on site and learning from various other trades.

What are some challenging aspects to the role?

One of the more challenging parts of my role is keeping up to date with the latest products and software. We often integrate new products on jobs which I must then learn against tight deadlines. Although having exposure to these systems allows me to grow and build on my experience/reputation within the industry.

Thank you to our BeMS Commissioning Engineer, Josh Clare for taking part in this mini interview with us.