
4 Signs Your Electric Submetering Isn’t Working | Meter Maintenance

It’s good to know the signs to look out for when your electric submeters are not performing correctly.

A meter maintenance contract is the best way to eliminate risk and ensure that your electric submetering is consistently performing at its best. However, with or without a meter maintenance contract in place, it is always useful to know the signs of a fault within electric submetering so that faults can be recognised and rectified as early as possible.

Here are 4 signs to look out for if you think that there could be a fault within your electric submetering...

4 Signs to Look Out For If You Think That There Is A Fault Within Your Electric Submetering:

1. Billing abnormalities

A faulty electric submeter will not be providing you with consistent, accurate and complete data. This can cause abnormalities within your billing, usually a drastic increase in usage. If you notice anything like this, you may have a fault with your electric submeters and should contact one of our Experts to look at rectifying the issue.

2. Lack of movement

Depending on whether your electric submeter is digital or not, when functioning, it will either have dials turning or it will tick. If neither of these are happening, then a submeter inspection may be worthwhile to understand why.

3. Age

The older your electric submeter is, the more likely it is to be performing inaccurately. One of our Experts will be able to identify this for you and look into replacements.

4. More complex issue

It is possible that a fault with your electric submetering could be associated with another electrical issue within your building. Our Experts will be able to investigate this for you and report back where the fault lies.

Find out more about the benefits of maintaining your submetering here, or contact us today to schedule an inspection of your building’s metering.

Any adjustments to your electric submetering require a serious amount of caution and training due to the high voltages they are surrounded by and should therefore only be performed by trained individuals. Please do not attempt to fix your own electric submetering and instead contact a professional.